Upon asking a college senior what their plans are after graduation, you might find them looking lost and fearful. Some may have a vague idea of the sector in which they want to work: healthcare, education, finance, etc.
Elizabeth Jimenez-Magadan, however, is a college senior who knows exactly what she wants to become: A Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) officer.
CRA officers are banking professionals who are responsible for ensuring that banks are meeting their obligations to serve the credit needs of the entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods as stated in the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. A CRA officer will evaluate the bank’s performance under the CRA and work with community organizations to identify potential lending and investment opportunities.
Elizabeth has a passion for community service, and she’s discovered how to channel that passion through finance. Last year, she restarted the Financial Management Association (FMA) Chapter at California State University – San Bernardino. Having a knack for problem-solving and organization helped Elizabeth successfully take on this difficult and time-consuming task. She now serves as Chapter President of the FMA at her university.
Her passion for service extends beyond her love of finance. Elizabeth spends much of her free time doing community service projects like putting together homeless care packages. She also thoroughly enjoys building cat shelters for stray cats in her neighborhood. The shelters she builds provide both protection from the elements and accessible food and water for these nomadic felines.
Elizabeth had heard about the ‘B’ BOLD(ER) internship through a program she was previously involved with. When she noticed the deadline for applications had been extended, she took it as a sign to apply. As part of a ‘B’ BOLD(ER) intern at Clearinghouse CDFI, Elizabeth hopes to gain an in-depth understanding of what it takes to provide direct financing for affordable housing projects from start to finish.
Learn More about the ‘B’ BOLD(ER) Internship Program and checkout a full recap of our 2022 Interns
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