Impact Numbers

We work closely with our borrowers to help them make a meaningful impact in disadvantaged communities. See our impact numbers across five categories:

Impact Numbers Across Categories

Clearinghouse CDFI Total Customers Served Icon

4.87 Million Total Customers Served

Since Inception
Individuals Served - Impacts Since Inception

2,678 Total Projects Funded

throughout the U.S. Since Inception
Clearinghouse CDFI's Cumulative Lending Since Inception

$2.5 Billion in Cumulative Lending

Since Inception
You can also see all impact stories on our Impact Map.

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Impact Icon - 2019

13,067 Affordable Housing Units
Created, Rehabilitated, or Preserved

Since Inception
Support Impact Icon - 2019

1,089 Housing Units
Developed, Rehabilitated, or Preserved

in 2023
Affordable Multi-Family Homes Icon

79% of Housing Units Created are
Designated Affordable

in 2023
You can also see all Affordable Housing impact stories on our Impact Map.

Community Facilities

14% of Projects Financed are Located in
Non-Metropolitan Areas

in 2023
Map and Hourglass Icon

7% of Projects Financed are Located in
Persistent Poverty Areas

in 2023
You can also see all Community Facilities impact stories on our Impact Map.

Commercial Real Estate


47% of All Projects Financed are
Located in Low-Income Communities

in 2023
You can also see all Commercial Real Estate impact stories on our Impact Map.

Small Business

Jobs Impact Stat Icon - 2020

43,817 Jobs

Created or Retained Since Inception
Jobs in 2020 - Impact Page Icon

5,407 Jobs Created or Retained
with 25% Located in High Unemployment Areas

in 2023
You can also see all Small Business impact stories on our Impact Map.

New Markets Tax Credits

NMTC Impact Icon - 2019

$687 Million of Federal New Markets Tax Credits Allocation Deployed

Since Inception
2022 NMTC Icon - Stats Page

86 Projects Benefiting over 679,000 Individuals Served
by Clearinghouse CDFI NMTC Allocations

Since Inception
You can also see all New Markets Tax Credits impact stories on our Impact Map.

Native American Projects

2022 Native American and Alaskan Icon - Stats Page

462,976 Native American/Alaskan, African American, or Latinx/Hispanic Individuals Served

in 2023
You can also see all Native American Projects impact stories on our Impact Map.
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