U.S. Bank invests $20M in private equity to help close racial wealth gap

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Investments in FVLCRUM, Advantage Capital/Business Consortium Fund will provide technical support, capital access for growth.


U.S. Bank invests $20M in private equity to help close racial wealth gap

“Investing in these private equity funds helps us expand the way we as a bank are working to help close the racial wealth gap and build wealth in communities of color,” said Zack Boyers, chief executive officer of U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (USBCDC), the bank’s community investment and tax credit division. “We are focused on finding opportunities to create more access to capital for minority-owned businesses, and private equity allows us to do that in a different way than we have before.”

Read the full article on the U.S. Bank blog, here:
U.S. Bank invests $20M in private equity to help close racial wealth gap